
As part of the lokal projetct the tests with two routers the Archer A7 V5.8 and Unifi Mesh UAP-AC-M are described below

libremesh firmwares -> https://next.coolab.org/s/Eiz7r9xJKiXi8MA

Unifi Mesh UAP-AC-M

Unifi datasheet -> http://dl.ubnt.com/datasheets/unifi/UniFi_AC_Mesh_DS.pdf

Follow this steps -> https://openwrt.org/toh/ubiquiti/unifiac?s[]=unifi&s[]=mesh#non-invasive_method_using_mtd


We’re going to downgrade to older ubiquiti firmware version (ubnt.bin), install OpenWRT firmware, then install Libremesh firmware.

  1. Download ubnt.bin from the folder
  • md5sum BZ*.bin should return: 5bb23b387defcbd1f6cda5819c7905e5
  • mv BZ*.bin ubnt.bin
  1. static IP (, do not use IP or for the computer, if unsure use IP, netmask, default gateway for your PC)

  2. Copy the Unifi-Firmware from your Linux-PC to the Unifi-device: scp ubnt.bin ubnt@ (password is also ubnt)

  3. SSH into the Unifi-device ssh ubnt@ (password is also ubnt)

  4. At your Unifi-device issue the command fwupdate.real -m /tmp/ubnt.bin. Let the Unifi-device reboot.

  5. scp the OpenWrt-Firmware to the Unifi-device scp openwrt-ath79-generic-ubnt_unifiac-XXX-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin ubnt@

  6. SSH into the Unifi-device and: mtd write /tmp/openwrt-xxxxx-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin kernel0, afterwards also erase the now unused partition mtd erase kernel1

  7. Find out which partition is named “bs”: cat /proc/mtd, expected result is “mtd4”. Then issue this command in the Unifi-device (use the obtained partition name for bs): dd if=/dev/zero bs=1 count=1 of=/dev/mtd4

  8. On next reboot you will see an openwrt firmware.

    change static IP back to DHCP. Unplug and replug eth cable.

  9. In openwrt go to upload firmware and upload the Libremesh firmware

    go to browser. username: root pass: empty

    System» Back/Flash Firmware

    Flash Image Browse to libremesh squash Upload

    Leave all 3 boxes unchecked click continue

    After flash go to thisnode.info

  10. Create New Network

Choose a name: lokal.network PW: Phubert pw

name for node uap-ac-mesh

Archer A7 V5.8

  1. Connect the lan cable in PC to router LAN-1 port

  2. Open a browser and open the TP-Link default address You will be asked to create a password on first opening. Set a new password and login.

  3. You should see the router access page. Select: Advanced/System-Tools/Firmware-Upgrade

  4. Select: Manual-Upgrade/Browse: Select the file downloaded from “Firmware OpenWrt Install” section openwrt-22.03.5-ath79-generic-tplink_archer-a7-v5-squashfs-factory.bin

  5. Wait until firmware flashing is done. Do not interrupt the process - risk of bricking the router!

  6. After flashing is done you will see “page not found”. This is normal.

  7. Unplug and replug eth cable, and open in browser the OpenWRT default address: (manual LAN-card settings: ip4: )

  8. From openwrt upograde with libremesh

    System » Backup/Flash Firmware Flash Image Browse to librerouteros squashfs-sysupgrade.bin Upload

    Leave all 3 boxes unchecked click continue

Archer C7 V5

  1. Connect the lan cable in PC to router LAN-1 port

  2. Open a browser and open the TP-Link default address You will be asked to create a password on first opening. Set a new password and login.

  3. You should see the router access page. Select: Advanced/System-Tools/Firmware-Upgrade

  4. Select: Manual-Upgrade/Browse: Select the file downloaded from “Firmware OpenWrt Install” section openwrt-22.03.5-ath79-generic-tplink_archer-a7-v5-squashfs-factory.bin (use C7 version of this file)

  5. Wait until firmware flashing is done. Do not interrupt the process - risk of bricking the router!

  6. After flashing is done you will see “page not found”. This is normal.

  7. Unplug and replug eth cable, and open in browser the OpenWRT default address: (manual LAN-card settings: ip4: )

  8. From openwrt upograde with libremesh System » Backup/Flash Firmware

    Flash Image Browse to librerouteros squashfs-sysupgrade.bin Upload

    Leave all 3 boxes unchecked click continue

Ansible install

python3 -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate pip install ansible ansible-playbook -i hosts/preparar prepare.yml ansible-playbook -i hosts/nucserver.yml playbook.yml


Some discutions aboute that - https://communitynetworks.group/t/anyone-using-https-in-a-cn/286/26

The method used - https://geekrewind.com/generate-free-wildcard-certificates-using-lets-encrypt-certbot-on-ubuntu-18-04/

sudo certbot certonly --manual --preferred-challenges=dns --email hiure@riseup.net --server https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory --agree-tos -d redepsp.info -d *.redepsp.info

Add txt records according to the certbot instructions

sudo certbot certificates

mv fullchain.pem redepsp.info.crt

openssl pkey -in privkey.pem -out redepsp.info.key

Copy certificates to ansible host folder

cp redepsp.info* hosts/

Ansible config

Instructions - https://docs.lokal.network/gettingstarted/

Clone the repository - git clone https://github.com/Wakoma/Lokal.git

rm ansible.cfg

ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml


  hosts: ""
    app_user: psp
    ansible_user: root
    setup_ssh: true
    ssh_key: ssh-rsa 

ansible-playbook -i hosts/preparar prepare.yml


  hosts: ""
    ssl_cert: "hosts/redepsp.info.cert"
    ssl_key: "hosts/redepsp.info.key"
    domain: redepsp.info
    email_admin: hiure@riseup.net
    password_admin: strong-password
    lokal_secret: nui3fhAoiSDUndakd12
    ansible_user: psp
        - kiwix
        - wordpress
        - jellyfin
        - calibre
    project_root: /home/psp

ansible-playbook -i hosts/nucserver.yml playbook.yml

Adding subdomain to wordpress

in the file roles/wordpress/defaults/main.yml

add the subdomain:

subdomain_wordpress: lokal

Dnsmasq config

Edit the file /etc/config/lime-community and add your domain

config lime 'system'
	option domain 'redepsp.info'

config lime 'network'

config lime 'wifi'
	option ap_ssid 'PSP'
	option apname_ssid 'PSP/%H'

Apply changes:


If no erros return use:


Edit the dnsmasq file /etc/dnsmasq.d/lokal.conf


restart dnsmasq service

/etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart

Pirania config

Edit the pirania file under /etc/config/pirania

  • to add the destination page to redirect to, change the option portal_domain line to your domain and the option url_portal line to /
  • to catch all clients, change the list catch_interfaces
  • to change the portal open time option duration_m.

My example

config base_config 'base_config'
	option prune_expired_for_days '30'
	option portal_domain 'lokal.redepsp.info'
	option url_auth '/portal/auth.html'
	option url_authenticated '/portal/authenticated.html'
	option url_info '/portal/info.html'
	option url_fail '/portal/fail.html'
	option db_path '/etc/pirania/vouchers/'
	option hooks_path '/etc/pirania/hooks/'
	option append_ipt_rules '0'
	list allowlist_ipv4 ''
	list allowlist_ipv4 ''
	list allowlist_ipv4 ''
	list allowlist_ipv6 'fc00::/7'
	list allowlist_ipv6 'fe80::/64'
	list allowlist_ipv6 '2a00:1508:0a00::/40'
	list catch_interfaces 'br-lan'
	list catch_interfaces 'anygw'
	option enabled '1'
	option with_vouchers '0'

config access_mode 'read_for_access'
	option url_portal '/'
	option duration_m '15'

After that do captive portal stop and captive-portal start


I had a problem with traefik and transmission’s password so I had to install this

pip install --upgrade passlib

Nextcloud - Jellyfin integrations

jellyfin compose

      - "{{project_root}}/jellyfin/config:/config"
      - "{{project_root}}/jellyfin/data:/data"
      - "{{project_root}}/base/transmission/data:/media:ro"
      - "/media/nextcloud:/nextcloud:ro"

sudo mount –bind ~/nextcloud/data/data/admin/files/public/ /media/nextcloud

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